Lobby signs are the first impression a client has of your business. A sign that looks professional and is aesthetically pleasing can impart a lasting positive response.
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Topics: architectural signage, lobby signs, directory, lobby sign
Signs Can Help You Find Your Way When Entering a Hospital
Posted by Gary Baron on Thu, Dec 22, 2011 @ 09:50 AM
Have you ever experienced this common scenario? You are visiting someone at the hospital. You know their room number but you are unfamiliar with the building because you've never been there. The outside of the building is properly marked and you have found the parking garage with little to no problems. Once out of the car, you can't see any directional signs anywhere. You think to yourself this may just be a problem in the garage.
Topics: directory, lobby sign, wayfinding systems, indoor signs, wayfinding signs
A sign that you maybe losing money is your lobby directory…
Posted by Gary Baron on Wed, Aug 3, 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Topics: dimensional letters, architectural signage, lobby signs, directory, office signs
Can a sign improve your business’ bottom line in a positive way?
Posted by Gary Baron on Mon, Jul 25, 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Can a sign improve your business' bottom line? The answer is an unequivocal yes. Surveys indicate the average consumer views thousands of advertisements every day, many of them signs. And the reason there are so many billboards, banners, scrolling digital boards and standard signs is because they work.
Topics: dimensional sign, architectural signage, lobby signs, vehicle graphics, branding, directory, indoor signs, wayfinding signs, signs, carved signs with gilding and digital graphics
Do directory signs point to better customer service? Good question. If anyone answers no to it, they are dead wrong!
Topics: architectural signage, lobby signs, directory, wayfinding systems, office signs, indoor signs, wayfinding signs
Determining where to go can be a challenge for anyone visiting a new location, however this can be detrimental when they are visiting your business. Whether a small business or large facility, wayfinding signs can make the difference between a positive experience or wanting to just leave.
First called "Wayfinding" in the 1960's, this process has become an important part of both place-making and urban planning. Wayfinding improves circulation and directs visitor dollars where they have the most impact. Retail environments thrive when wayfinding signs are used to help visitors easily find their way. Districts become popular destinations when a brand-supportive wayfinding system marks a clear path for visitors.
Wayfinding signage when properly displayed, provides visual and verbal cues to help people navigate throughout your location. Wayfinding signs are often designed to match a specific local by including aesthetically pleasing and matching color schemes or themes to present a unified appearance.
There are several questions to keep in mind when developing a wayfinding plan for your organization. He are some questions to ask when developing the overall plan.
Topics: architectural signage, directory, wayfinding systems, indoor signs, wayfinding signs